
Steering Meeting Minutes 2/24/2011

Members Present: Jennifer Olson, Emily Shepherd, Jen Olson, Malissa VanVleet, Teresa Carlson, Dorothy Bassingthwaite, Christy Lickei, Bridget Leiseth
I. Devotion
II. Upcoming Meetings
-March 3rd - tour of Lake Area campus - leave @ 9:15 - no brunch
-No meeting - March 17th - spring break
-April 7th - WOW panel
-April 21st - Marnie Lammel, Naturalist
III. Upcoming Events
Bake Sale March 12th - We will need people to sign up to work different shifts for the bake sale. We will have preprinted labels there to mark the plates.
March 25th Emily and Sarah night @ Jenny Crismon's - Evite from jenny will be sent.
City Auditorium March 31st - 10:00 or 10:30? What time should we order pizza?
IV. Position Reports
A. Finance - 60.00 was raised in Community Day coupons; budget looks good
B. MOPPETS - The MOPPET worker appreciation day will be hold on May 12th.
C. Coordinator - Jen shared that Marilyn Peterson is working on getting her yoga certification and was wondering if any MOPS moms would like to do a few yoga classes. We discussed maybe having this as a topic for a meeting. Jen is going to check with the church to see if they would be okay with this. Marilyn might need to get her hours sooner, so we might change out the April 7th WOW panel for a May date and have the yoga on the 7th.

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