
March Announcements

*Please remember that on March 3rd we are touring the Lake Area campus. We will not be having brunch that day and we need to leave at 9:15 a.m. sharp, so it would be a good idea to try and drop your children off at 9:00.
*We are going to participate in a bake sale on March 12th at the city auditorium. There is a vendor fair being held that day. This is a good fundraiser for us every year. An email with more information will be sent out at a later date.
*We will not be meeting on March 17th due to spring break.
*Jenny Crismon is hosting a Military Mom Appreciation Night on March 25th in her home. Please see the Evite she emailed out or email her for more information (cjcrismon@wat.midco.net)
*Our annual fun day with the children is scheduled for March 31st at the city auditorium. There will be different areas set up downstairs for the kids to run around and play on. We will be ordering pizza for everyone at the conclusion of playtime. The exact times have not been set, so I will be sending out an email with more information on that closer to the date.
*I will not be handing out a newsletter in March. The April meetings are:
April 7th - TBA (we are still juggling two different topics/speakers schedules). Brunch will be provided by Grandma Moses.
*April 21st - Naturalist Marnie Lammel will speak on activities/games outside with your children and other topics at her discretion. Brunch group is Jane Goodall.

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