
Steering Meeting Minutes

Steering Meeting - December 9th
Members Present: Jen Olson, Emily Shepherd, Christy Lickei, Malissa Van Vleet, Dorothy Bassingthwaite, Angela Syhre, Bridget Leiseth, Jennifer Olson, Teresa Carlson
Opening Prayer was conducted by all members.
I. Devotion - Luke 1:26-36 - The Birth of Jesus Foretold with discussion questions
II. Upcoming Meetings
A. December 16th - Christmas Party - We discussed seating arrangements for the party. It was decided that groups will be divided and assigned so that they groups are different from D-Groups for the day. Someone will stand by the door and inform people of where they will be seated. We will go over a reading about the meaning of Christmas. There will be a few short games led by Jen Olson. Christy passed along the different crafts we will be doing. We discussed making gifts for the workers in the MOPPETS rooms. Jennifer Olson will purchase trays, saran wrap and some supplies for assembling goody plates.
B. January 6th - cake decorating - free sit
C. January 20th - There was discussion about this open meeting slot. We debated over playing the DVD or moving up the slumber party. It was decided to show the DVD and work on a craft that is a little more time consuming to fill up that meeting.
D. February 3rd - 5 Love Languages of Children with Paula Wilde - sit in D groups
E. February 17th - slumber party - We talked about painting nails again and then also offering another activity that can be done for those who do not want to paint nails.
III. Mom's Night Out - February? - Teresa offered to host a MNO at her home. Last year the craft night was a big hit, so having a craft night/game night would probably be a success? We talked about coming up with a list for child care options if people don't have a sitter to watch their children.
IV. Position Reports
A. Finance - Malissa proposed that the Finance Chair be added as a signer to the MOPS checkbook. Sue would like to be able to share this responsibility with someone else in case she is not available to write out the checks. Checks are mostly written to child care workers and to steering members for reimbursements. All members agreed this is a good idea. Malissa will follow through with this and see what the bank would need to make this possible.
B. We all discussed different members of our MOPS chapter who are in need of extra prayers or support. The D-Group leaders will be in charge of coordinating those efforts.

The next steering meeting will be hold January 27th at 9:00. We closed with a prayer led by Teresa.
Meeting Summaries for December
December 2nd -
Brunch was served. Opening prayers were led by Jen Olson and door prizes were given away through answering trivia questions.
Pastor Bob of our chartering church was the guest speaker. His topic was spending time with God. He talked about his personal struggle dedicating time each day for his personal relationship with God - which he calls T.A.G. (time alone with God). He found a way to enjoy it himself by doing his work on the computer where he can keep his files organized and reference online Bibles.
The mission of their church is to go out and make disciples out of the people they encounter. He shared a story about the verse Colossians 2:6-7. A tree that has not had to withstand drought does not grow deep roots but rather lateral roots. Those trees are the first to tip over in the midst of a storm. Just like those trees, people with deep spiritual roots, grown by going through times of drought, are better able to withstand trials. They turn toward God in times of trouble rather than away from him.
Pastor Bob shared the analogy of depressed or struggling people who look inward are like people trying to smell their belly buttons. They are so focused inward that they cannot see the answers to their troubles are found by looking up and out. Having that special time alone with God every day fortifies your soul and enables you to withstand the difficult times.
We did an activity working with the verse Jeremiah 17:5-8. Then Pastor gave us an outline of the steps he follows while journaling his T.A.G. For a copy of the handout, see Pastor Bob or ask me (Bridget Leiseth, publicity) and I can make you a copy.


Cookie Exchange/MNO Info

The evening MOPS group is hosting a cookie exchange on Friday night at the Fireside Room at Cornerstone United Methodist Church from 7-10 p.m. Bring 1,2 or 3 dozen cookies and bring home the number you take to exchange. There will also be space and time to finish any projects you need time to work on sans children. There is no childcare for this event. Come and relax and meet the other MOPS mom's in Watertown!


November Meeting Recaps

November 4th - We opened with prayer, ate brunch, and then held our annual silent auction.

November 18th - We opened with prayer and door prizes. After brunch, Kay Solberg from Classroom Connection came to speak about educational games and products that she carries at her store, Classroom Connection. There are so many tools for any type of kid in any developmental stage. Kay demonstrated different games, puzzles and products that serve many different functions at once. Spending time with your children engaged in activities is valuable. Before children enter Kindergarten, they are expected to know the information that they used to learn in Kindergarten. Kay also can order many different products if she doesn't have the item you are looking for in stock. A gift certificate to her store is a great gift for a teacher for Christmas.
We did a tissue paper craft. Tissue paper was folded and tied with a wire and then pulled out to create a flower that can be hung for a party or put on a stick for a party or used as a centerpiece.


Steering meeting 10/28/2010

Members Present: Jennifer Olson, Jen Olson, Christy Lickei, Bridget Leiseth, Dorothy Bassingthwaite, Teresa Carlson, Emily Shepherd
1. We opened with a devotional focusing on the verse James3:2-6 regarding keeping your speech pure so as not to praise God but curse man all in one breath. Our tongues are like rudders on a boat, directing our hearts.
2. Upcoming Meetings:
November 4th - Silent Auction - Members are encouraged to bring items to donate. Nice, gently used items are okay to bring. Services are a great idea. Each item will have a corresponding form attached that may have a minimum bid suggested, depending on the value of the item to ensure that expensive items are not being sold for drastically cheap.
November 18th - Kay from classroom connections will speak about educational games/craft
December 2nd - Pastor Bob is going to speak on the message, probably a holiday related message.
December 16th - Christmas Party - everyone brings treats, craft, games?
III. Position Reports
IV. Closing Prayer
Next Steering scheduled for December 9th.


Sherry's scrapbooking links

Here are Sherry's links for her digital scrapbooking presentation from the October 21st meeting:

Blogs that search for freebies:

Scrapbook kits:

Scrapbook templates:

Free fonts:

Photoshop Tutorials:

You can also download a free trial of Photoshop Elements! It's the full program, but it is only good for 30 days:

If you start playing around with this and have any questions let me know. I'm not an expert, but I've gotten pretty good at finding answers. You can find my number and e-mail address in the MOPS directory.

Sherry Dalke


Evening Group

I just wanted to remind you all that there is a MOPS evening group held at Cornerstone Church. They are in need of more members to keep their group growing strong, so if you have any friends who are unable to attend the morning group, let them know about the evening group.
For more information on the evening group you can contact Julie Grund at 754-0438.

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child
This year we are once again presenting an opportunity to put together Operation Christmas Child boxes through the Samaritan's Purse organization. A presentation will be given at our meeting on October 21st.
The website for this program is www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/OCC/index/. On this site you will find instructions for assembling a box, things to include or leave out and the labeling materials you will need for your box. You can bring your box in to a MOPS meeting in November (4th or 18th) or drop off your box at Cornerstone Methodist Church.

On the Samaritans Purse website (www.samaritanspurse.org) you will also find other ideas for giving meaningful gifts to people in need all over the world.


October 7th Meeting

October 7th Meeting minutes

Jen Olson opened with a word of prayer. Announcements were made including selling coupons for Herbergers Community Day, the silent auction coming up November 4th and starting to think about Operation Christmas Child boxes. Door prizes were given out based on magnets on the bottom of chairs.

Brunch was served.

A video was shown covering Momology - this years theme. The video gave information about different women and their application of the arts and sciences of motherhood. A mom's core was discussed as the first key area of motherhood. The mom core is knowing who we are and growing in our role as a mother, along with other roles in our lives. Our core includes temperament, experiences and emotions to create our unique perspective of life. Resilience is a key component of your core and especially important in motherhood.

After the video, discussion groups answered questions pertaining to the material presented.

Photos were taken for the directory in discussion groups.



Reminders for MOPS members:

We will be taking directory photos on October 7th. If you are unable to attend that meeting, you can submit a photo of yourself.

Dues are now due! Local Dues: 25.oo for the fall semester or 50.00 for the year. 23.95 are the MOPS International dues. The local dues help cover expenses for the chapter such as childcare, craft supplies and hospitality supplies among other things. The International Dues enable you to be a part of the MOPS family with a subscription to Momsense magazine, an informational website and some promotional gifts. If you have a need for a scholarship, there are some available and the information is kept confidential. Contact Malissa Van Vleet for more information.

We are still in need of childcare workers, paid or volunteer, for the MOPPETS program. If you have anyone you think would be willing to help out, let Angela Syhre know.

Our Silent Auction will be held on November 4th. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for us, so start planning your donation. This year we will also be accepting your services as an auction item e.g. housecleaning, babysitting, baked goods, wrapping Christmas presents etc.

September Steering Meeting minutes

September 30th
Members Present: Jennifer Olson, Jen Olson, Emily Shepherd, Bridget Leiseth, Angela Syhre, Christy Lickei, Teresa Carlson, Dorothy Bassingthwaite, Malissa Van Vleet
I. Prayer
Reading of Psalm 139:1-16
II. Community Days
We will be selling coupons for community days at Herbergers in the mall on October 16th. The coupons are 5.00 and many of the exclusions have been removed from the coupons as compared to previous years. The coupons can be used in Herbergers on November 13th.
III. Upcoming Meetings
October 7th - theme video/discussion questions
October 21st - digital scrapbooking with Sherry Dalke
November 4th - Silent Auction
November 18th - Kay from Classroom Connection about educational games
IV. Mom's night Out
We discussed options for MNO - potentially offering childcare at the same time if someone is hosting. We also are considering getting a group together to go down to the new children's museum in Brookings.
V. Position Reports
Malissa reminded us that dues are now due.
Angela reported that we are still in need of childcare help for MOPPETS.


September Meeting Recaps

Our first meeting was held on September 2nd. Much of the meeting was spent in introduction to the new year/new theme. Everyone was introduced to their new discussion groups and leaders. The new theme was introduced. We interviewed each other in our discussion groups using the questions for the "getting to know you" section of the newsletter. We also did a name-tag craft.

The September 16th meeting featured Lisa Sanderson speaking on development of children. She presented information on how to identify characteristics of your child's development that should be addressed. She works on behalf of an organization that serves as an advocate between families and schools to get the services children may need to be successful, no matter the type or severity of the issue.


August Steering Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Bridget Leiseth, Teresa Carlson, Malissa Van Vleet, Jennifer Olson, Christy Lickei, Jen Olson, Emily Janes, Emily Shepherd

I. We opened with a word of prayer.
II. MOPPETS - Our current MOPPETS Coordinator had to step down. We are in need of a new coordinator. We discussed different options for workers in each childcare workers. There were some names suggested. Also, we discussed the possibility of high school students or Lake Area students coming in to help for different educational purposes.
III. Upcoming Meetings were discussed. We tried to schedule out the topics for the first few meetings. We planned out how the first meeting would be set up to get all mom's registered.
IV. Each steering position was given opportunity to discuss different concerns related to their position.
We discussed asking MOPS members to bring crackers for MOPPETS. We all agreed that crackers free of any nut products will be necessary to protect any children with allergies.
Dues for international and chapter will be due by the end of October.
Discussion group names were revealed and a brunch schedule will be listed in the first newsletter.
Craft meetings will be held on the 2nd meeting of each month to allow Christy to be able to plan accordingly for supplies and request any extra instructions be put in the newsletter at the first meeting of the month.
Teresa volunteered to start an update on the bulletin board in front of the church as it has not been updated for awhile. Bridget will supply the specific information that will be posted on the board about MOPS. Brochures for MOPS will be put in the welcome packets that First Baptist has to hand out to visitors to their church.
We are still in need of two if not three more Mentor moms.
We talked about marching in the Homecoming parade for publicity. The evening group is going to and invited us to join them. Also, we all felt that it would be a good idea to participate in a community service project as a chapter to get our name out there and also to give back and minister to others.

The next Steering Meeting will be held on September 30th at 9:00.


Facebook Page

Attention all of you Facebook users: I have created a Facebook page for our chapter. You can search for it and add it to your profile or you can go to my profile and link to it from there (I will be happy to "friend" you in order to do this). I will update that page with reminders about what has been posted on the blog along with anything else you guys would like to see on there. We thought it was a great (and free) way to reach more people as it seems that so many of us are connected through digital media anymore anyhow. If any of you have any suggestions, just let me know. I'm not an expert so I might have done something incorrectly.


Ice Cream Social

Join us for the M.O.P.S Ice Cream social and registration on Tuesday, August 10th at 6:30 p.m. We will be at the McKinley park shelter. Bring your families!

July 2010 Steering Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Jennifer O, Jennifer O, Christy L, Malissa V, Donna B, Bridget L, Emily S

*Getting Down to the Basics: Our Authentic Life
Philippians 4:8-9

Time of Prayer

*Budget discussion - Education was given by Malissa on how to prepare the budget for each position. Reimbursement forms were handed out along with tentative 2009-2010 budget recap. Budgets are due at the August Steering Meeting scheduled for August 26th at 9:00.
*Welcome Packets - It was decided after a discussion that we will hand out the MOPS handbook on the first meeting date. We will not be handing folders out to everyone. Any additional paperwork that a mom joining after the first date would need will be put with the MOPS handbook (e.g. the Moppets form and the Mommy interview)
*Kick Off - The Ice Cream Social will be held on Tuesday August 10th at 6:30 p.m. at the McKinley park shelter. Postcards are being prepared and will be sent out soon. A discussion was held about the ad that has been posted in the Public Opinion in previous years for the ice cream social/upcoming MOPS year. The team decided that the 53.00 the ad costs does not seem to produce a fruitful number of new recruits. Instead of the newspaper ad, we will start a facebook page for MOPS as that seems to be a good way to connect more people. More information will be available on that at a later date.
*Speaker Ideas - The group discussed different ideas for speakers for the upcoming year. We are still in need of at least two Mentor moms, if not three. Please pray about this.

All of the different steering positions were given a chance to address any questions.


Summer MOPS Dates

Join us for MOPS in the Park this summer! We are meeting on:
June 3 and 17
July 1 and 15
11:30 - 1:00
We will be at McKinley Park, by the river on the South side of Kemp Ave.
Bring your own lunch.


Vendor Fair/ MOPS Bake Sale

This Saturday, March 13th (9-4) is our big spring fundraiser. We are doing a Bake Sale at the City Auditoriums vendor fair.

We are asking each of you to bring at least one thing. This could be a batch of cookies split into four bags, this could be a batch or brownies split in two bags. We are also asking that you bring your items packaged and ready for pricing by 8:30 Saturday morning. Please you are are one that likes to bake, bring as much as you would like, the more we have to sell the better.

If you signed up to help during the event, please remember your time you signed up for.

If you are unable to drop you item(s) off on Saturday morning, you can drop them off at either Julianne's or Marcy's house. Please call them and make arrangements.


MOPS Steering Meeting

I'm back... I tried getting a video up of one of our speakers, but it was too long. If you would like to view it please e-mail me (asyhre(at)gmail(dot)com and I will get it to you.

Our March 4th meeting will be the only one this month. We will be getting a tour of the Goss Opera House. We woudl like for everyone to be at the church @ 9 am that day, so we can have brunch and get the the Goss @ 9:45. The coffee shop and retail store will be open if you are interested in that.

March 25th is our Fun Day at the City Auditorium.
Schedule of Events:
9:30- fun day begins in the basement
-Park and Rec staff will provide an obstacle course and other structured activities.
10:30- move upstairs and play in main gym
11:20- pizza served in basement
1:00- end

-This event is like an open house. You may come and go as you need
- This event is ONLY for MOPS members who have paid their dues or are on scholarship
-Pizza and water will be served, if you wish for something else you will have to provide that
-This is a free event, with pizza and water included
-please keep your child(ren) home if he/she/they have a contagious illness other then the common cold in the past 24 hours leading up to the event.

April 23 we have a Mom's Night Out planned at Christy's house. More info to come for that.

April 29th is our Moppets Worker Brunch. Again watch for more info on that also.

The Moppets could use some crackers... please make sure they do not have or were proceed somewhere that had nuts or tree nuts in them.

Our next steering meeting will be April 8th @ 9am



We will be having a PJ party... wear your PJ's and come ready to do a creative activity and then you get to choose either playing board games or watching a DVD.