
October 7th Meeting

October 7th Meeting minutes

Jen Olson opened with a word of prayer. Announcements were made including selling coupons for Herbergers Community Day, the silent auction coming up November 4th and starting to think about Operation Christmas Child boxes. Door prizes were given out based on magnets on the bottom of chairs.

Brunch was served.

A video was shown covering Momology - this years theme. The video gave information about different women and their application of the arts and sciences of motherhood. A mom's core was discussed as the first key area of motherhood. The mom core is knowing who we are and growing in our role as a mother, along with other roles in our lives. Our core includes temperament, experiences and emotions to create our unique perspective of life. Resilience is a key component of your core and especially important in motherhood.

After the video, discussion groups answered questions pertaining to the material presented.

Photos were taken for the directory in discussion groups.

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