
MOPS moms,

Our next meeting is this Thursday, January 3rd! We'll be talking about Family Connections.

A couple of reminders: We will be doing a fundrasier to help pay for our childcare workers on Jan. 19th and 20th. at the Rec Center. We need MOPS moms to help work the oncession stand at a swim meet. We will pass out a sign-up sheet at both January MOPS meetings.

Also, if your last names starts with I-Z, please bring crackers for MOPPETS. If you are already supplying a box for your child with food allergies, you do not need to bring additional crackers. All crackers should not contain peanuts or be made in a factory with peanuts!

Thank you ALL for your help!


Christmas Party!

On Thursday, December 6th from 9-11am, we will be having our annual Christmas meeting!

We want to get started right away at 9:15am so please try and arrive on time, and have your brunch items to the kitchen and have your children settled in the childcare rooms before 9:15am. Each group will bring some sort of Christmas treat to share! The Beach Ball Beauties will bring drinks, the Ducky Divas will bring a salty (or savory) snack, and the Marvelous Mermaids will bring sweets. This year we’ll be having 3 different stations including: making ‘soup in a jar’ mixes that can be donated to a family in need, devotionals with our mentor moms, and playing games! This is always a fun, festive meeting so I hope to see ALL of you there!

If you would like to attend the evening MOPS group Christmas party, Potluck, and Cookie Exchange at Cornerstone Church on Monday, December 17th at 6pm, you are more than welcome! In the spirit of giving, they are making blankets and collecting donations of school supplies, and food pantry items all to be donated to families in need! Please reply ASAP and let me know if you are interested, they would like to get a total number by December 3rd!

As a reminder, we will not have a second meeting in December, as it gets to be too close to the Christmas holiday. Merry Christmas everyone!


Upcoming Meetings and Reminders

November 15th we'll be having a panel of speakers about Autism. The Beach Ball Beauties group is on for brunch.

On December 6th we'll be having our annual Christmas meeting. Each group will bring some sort of Christmas snacks, appetizers, sweet treats, or other goodies. (Talk w/ your group leader for more info.) This year we’ll be making soup and brownie mixes in jars that can be donated!

Reminders: We're invited to join the evening MOPS group at Cornerstone Church on Monday, December 17th at 6pm for a Potluck supper and Cookie Exchange party! They are making blankets and collecting donations of school supplies, and food pantry items all to be donated to families in need! If you’d like to go plan bringing as many cookies as you’d like to take home with you. They need to know a total number of morning MOPS moms who would like to attend by December 5th. Please let Sarah Dahl know if you’d like to attend. (You can email me at sarahmae22@Hotmail.com)


Silent Auction! November 1st Meeting

Don't forget - this Thursday, November 1st is our MOPS Silent Auction!

Bring any new, or gently used items, that you want to donate to be auctioned off! You may also bring handmade items, gift certificates from local businesses, etc. (Items that have done well in the past include home decor, baked goods, gift certificates to resturants, and baby/children's items.) We'll have tables set up around the room for you to put your items on. You'll just need grab a slip of paper for each item you bring, and fill it out with aprox. value and a suggested starting bid, if you'd like. Then check out the other items you want to bid on! Its a great time to get some needed 'new to you' items and/or do some Christmas shopping!

This is always a really fun meeting so hope to see you all there!


October Meetings!

This Thursday, October 4th we'll be talking about personal growth and self-care as we have a spa day and make some spa crafty things! The Beach Ball Beauties group is on for bringing bruch.

*If your last name begins with the letters A-H, please send a box of crackers for MOPPETS snacks, if you haven’t yet. Please remember to check labels and avoid anything that contains peanuts, or was made in a factory with peanuts.

On Thursday, October 18th we'll be talking about Depression and Anxiety as women and mothers. We'll be watching a short video, and hearing from members of our own MOPS group who have experienced depression and anxiety personally, as well as having some discussion group time. The Duckie Divas group is responsible for bringing brunch.

Hope to see you all there!


Growing Mom Friendships

We're all looking forward to making new connections, growing new mom friendships, and plunging deeper into all of our relationships at our first official meeting of the 2012-2013 MOPS year! Please join us at 9am on Thursday, September 20th!

A few announcements:
*If you haven’t had your picture taken, or filled out a MOPS Directory form please do so today or talk to Sarah Dahl, so that we may include you in our directory this year. *If you have any puzzles or games which don't require batteries or toys which can be easily stored in boxes for transportation, our new MOPPETS workers in the 4-5 y.o. room would appreciation donations. No stuffed animals, please. *We have limited space at the church, so at this time we're asking moms with last names beginning with A-H to send a box of crackers for MOPPETS snacks. *At this time, because it's such a dangerous and common allergy, we're going to try to keep MOPPETS peanut-free. Please read ingredient labels carefully. The MOPPETS and Hospitality coordinators have decided to only restrict peanuts. If your child has another food allergy or intolerance, we're asking you to send a box of crackers specifically for your child with his/her name on it which we will keep on hand for him/her. If this is the case for your child, you do not have to send crackers for the rest of the group. If you have any further questions about MOPPETS snacks, please feel free to contact Jenny (Hospitality) or Kristin (MOPPETS). THANKS SO MUCH!!!


Open House and Registration

MOPS will be having an Open House and registration at First Baptist Church from 8:30-10:00 am on September 6th. You may come any time during the Open House and enjoy some light refreshments and meet other MOPS moms. No childcare will be provided during this time. Our first "official" meeting for the 2012-2013 year will be held on Sept. 20th at our normal time of 9:00-11:15am. Childcare will be provided.


Aug. and Sept. Events

*August 2nd will be our last MOPS in the Park for the summer (11:30-1:00 @ McKinley Park)
*August 23rd steering committee meeting at First Baptist, time TBA
*Aug. 30th: We will be distributing MOPS flyers in residential neighborhoods.  Everyone is encouraged to help with this.  Meet at 8:45AM in the First Baptist parking lot.
*Sept. 6th:  2012-2013 MOPS registration open house.  8:30-10:00AM at the church.  Light refreshments served.  No childcare provided.
*Sept. 20th:  First "official" MOPS meeting for the year from 9:00-11:15AM.


May Events

-May 5th-Joy Ranch Field Trip.  If you want to carpool (the ranch is NW of town on Hwy 20), please have your children dropped off in MOPPETS and be prepared to LEAVE the church at 9:15 sharp.  If you're unable to make it by 9:15, you can head out there on your own.  We will leave directions at the church.   No brunch will be served.  If we are done early with our field trip, you are free to go home.  No other activities will be planned that morning.
-May 17th MOPS graduation and wrap up meeting.  Clue is on for brunch.
-MOPS will meet informally in the park this summer.   I'll post about that sometime in May.


April and May Events

-Apr. 5th Topic is Respect in Marriage. Speaker will be Deb Schooley. Brunch: Boggle
-Apr. 12th is our Perkins Fundraiser. Eat supper at Perkins with your family and friends and Perkins will donate a portion of the proceeds to MOPS.
-Apr. 19th Topic is Gardening. Speaker will be master gardener Deanne Shives. Brunch: Stratego
-May 3rd We will go on a field trip to Joy Ranch. Have your children dropped off in childcare and be ready to leave the church at 9:15. Maps will be provided for latecomers. NO BRUNCH.
-May 17th- End of year wrap-up meeting and graduation. Brunch: Clue


March Events

-We will NOT have MOPS on March 15th due to spring break.
-Our annual MOPPET worker appreciation brunch will be Thursday, Mar. 29th from 9:30-? . If you're interested in singing, reading or sharing some other talent for the MOPPET workers, please speak to Angela. Please bring a brunch item to share. No childcare will be offered for this event.
-Mom's Morning Out will be held at Starbucks on Mar. 31 at 9:00. Non-MOPS friends and small infants are welcome to join us for caffeine and conversation.


Feb. events

-Our slumber party and show and tell, previous scheduled for Jan. 19th, has been rescheduled for Feb. 2. Please see the previous blog post for show and tell information. Stratego will be on for brunch.
-The topic of the Feb. 16th MOPS meeting will be "Short Term Mission Trips." Clue is on for brunch.


Jan. 19th meeting

Jan. 19th is Show and Tell for moms. I had this information mixed-up previously. You can bring one or a combination of the following favorite things: 1. sentimental item 2. favorite product (skin care, make-up, cleaning, book, magazine) 3. favorite product as explained in #2 to donate for a doorprize.
All of the previously mentioned choices are optional.
We will also be doing an optional recipe exchange. Cards will be available for you to copy down recipes which interest you.
Finally, we will be making a photo/recipe card holder craft.
This is also our slumber party meeting. You are encouraged to dress casually in pajamas or sweats. MOPPETS may also wear pajamas. Boggle is on for brunch and kitchen clean-up.