
Upcoming Meetings and Reminders

November 15th we'll be having a panel of speakers about Autism. The Beach Ball Beauties group is on for brunch.

On December 6th we'll be having our annual Christmas meeting. Each group will bring some sort of Christmas snacks, appetizers, sweet treats, or other goodies. (Talk w/ your group leader for more info.) This year we’ll be making soup and brownie mixes in jars that can be donated!

Reminders: We're invited to join the evening MOPS group at Cornerstone Church on Monday, December 17th at 6pm for a Potluck supper and Cookie Exchange party! They are making blankets and collecting donations of school supplies, and food pantry items all to be donated to families in need! If you’d like to go plan bringing as many cookies as you’d like to take home with you. They need to know a total number of morning MOPS moms who would like to attend by December 5th. Please let Sarah Dahl know if you’d like to attend. (You can email me at sarahmae22@Hotmail.com)

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