
August Steering Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Bridget Leiseth, Teresa Carlson, Malissa Van Vleet, Jennifer Olson, Christy Lickei, Jen Olson, Emily Janes, Emily Shepherd

I. We opened with a word of prayer.
II. MOPPETS - Our current MOPPETS Coordinator had to step down. We are in need of a new coordinator. We discussed different options for workers in each childcare workers. There were some names suggested. Also, we discussed the possibility of high school students or Lake Area students coming in to help for different educational purposes.
III. Upcoming Meetings were discussed. We tried to schedule out the topics for the first few meetings. We planned out how the first meeting would be set up to get all mom's registered.
IV. Each steering position was given opportunity to discuss different concerns related to their position.
We discussed asking MOPS members to bring crackers for MOPPETS. We all agreed that crackers free of any nut products will be necessary to protect any children with allergies.
Dues for international and chapter will be due by the end of October.
Discussion group names were revealed and a brunch schedule will be listed in the first newsletter.
Craft meetings will be held on the 2nd meeting of each month to allow Christy to be able to plan accordingly for supplies and request any extra instructions be put in the newsletter at the first meeting of the month.
Teresa volunteered to start an update on the bulletin board in front of the church as it has not been updated for awhile. Bridget will supply the specific information that will be posted on the board about MOPS. Brochures for MOPS will be put in the welcome packets that First Baptist has to hand out to visitors to their church.
We are still in need of two if not three more Mentor moms.
We talked about marching in the Homecoming parade for publicity. The evening group is going to and invited us to join them. Also, we all felt that it would be a good idea to participate in a community service project as a chapter to get our name out there and also to give back and minister to others.

The next Steering Meeting will be held on September 30th at 9:00.

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