
MOPS Apr. 16th meeting

*Apr. 23rd: Steering committee meeting at 9AM. If you are interested in becoming a steering team member, you are invited to join us. Childcare is provided. Come even if you think the area that interests you appears to be filled.
*Apr. 30th: MOPPET worker appreciation brunch at 9:30AM. Bring a brunch item to share with our workers and bring your kids. This is a time to give back to our workers who give so much of their time to us.
*May 7th: 9:00AM library field trip; NO BRUNCH, eat breakfast first, please do not be late
*May 8th: Moms' Night Out Scrapbooking Evening at Cornerstone (in conjunction with the eve. MOPS group) at 7:30PM in atrium. Bring your own scrapbooking supplies and a snack to share. You should have received an electronic invite. If you did, please take two minutes to respond "Yes, No or Maybe." If not, please know that everyone is invited. Bring a friend.


*We had a presentation by the W.O.W. (Wiser Older Women) panel consisting of our mentor moms and two guests. A summary of this presentation will be in the May newsletter.
*We broke into discussion groups after the panel.
*Thanks to the moms who volunteered to babysit in the nursery.

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