members present: Marilyn, Jennifer O, Jen O, Angela, Sherry, Marcy, Juliane, Jenny C., Jenny R.
devotion: theme was remembering to praise God and give thanks during stressful times; followed by time of prayer
*vendor fair: $226 bake sale profits, $760 table fees, $986 profit before expenses, approx. $900 after expenses; attendance between 90-100 people; discussed possibilities of other locations for next year: Wtn. Christian School gym, Co. Fair Banquet Hall (high rental fee), Great Plains Gym, Hy-Vee upper room; lots of competition with other vendor fairs
*MOPPET worker brunch: 17 invites sent out; violet pots will be centerpieces and gifts for women; Jenny R. is going to have Jenny C. forward an e-mail with more detailed info on this event, she'd like an RSVP to see how many moms are coming; help needed Wed. night to set up at church; booklets will be compiled as gifts for regular workers and moms will sign thank-you notes
*May 7th: library field trip; tour, talk by children's librarian, snacks served in community room; Linda hasn't been contacted yet. If this doesn't work for her, a tour of the Goss might be substituted (not of the Tut exhibit). Sherry may also have us do a book exchange
*you may register early at either May meeting for next fall and receive a discounted price; Sherry distributed a reg. form today;
*May 21: craft, introducing next years "Together on Planet Mom" theme, survey/evaluation, possible bracelet craft
*We will have our summer meetings the 1st and 3rd Thurs. of June. Time will be 11-1 at McKinley Park. We will not have a park meeting in August. This one is not well attended and this will also give us more dates to work with for the ice cream social. Time for ice cream social TBA. Sherry will make refrig. magnets again this year with summer dates.
*Steering for next year: Marcy and Jenny will coordinate, Angela- crafts, Jennifer O- hospitality, Jen O- d-groups, Juliane- fundraisers, Sherry- MOPPETS, Marilyn and Teresa- mentors. Finance and Publicity are open. Existing steering was asked if they want to switch jobs or stay the same. Barb B from WOW panel is interested in mentoring.
*suggestion made to reduce number of fundraisers
*suggestion made to cover the cost of mentor mom registration fees; we don't think it's fair to ask them to pay to volunteer
*Roxanne, Renee, Amber and Carla mentioned as possible MOPS graduates; graduates will be recognized at last MOPS meeting in May
*Marilyn is attending Summit in Sioux Falls and will be speaking.
*suggestion made to have four mentors: 1 for ea. d-group
*suggestion made to have a "head mentor"
*suggestion made for next year to have stickers affixed to children in nursery with mom's name and allergy info.
*we will have a summer steering retreat, most likely the first week in June before summer activities start and people start going on vacation
*charter fees have increased due to more materials being distributed; we are short in the gen. fund to cover this expense, so money may be taken from the surplus in the craft fund
respectfully submitted
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