
December Meetings and Announcements!

On Thursday, December 5th we will be talking about the "Embrace Your Story" aspect of our Beautiful Mess theme for the year, and God's plan for us.  I'm going to be speaking about what MOPS means to me.  We may also be having another one of our mentor moms speak to us. 

The Dust Bunnies group is on for bringing brunch this week!  The Messy Minivan Mamas group should bring a box of crackers or other snack for Moppets.  Please remember to check labels, as Moppets snacks need to be peanut-free. Some suggestions are Welch's Fruit Snacks, Ritz Crackers, Honey Maid Teddy Grahams, and Honey Maid Grahams 

Our next meeting will be our Christmas party on December 19th.  We will be having a devotional, playing some games, and make a craft.

Each group will need to bring the following to share:
Dust Bunnies - sweet treats
Frayed and Fabulous - salty or savory items
Messy Minivan Mamas - "healthy" treats or snacks
(We also make up goodie trays to give to our childcare workers with what is brought.)

Our next Steering Meeting is January 9th!  Please welcome Nathalie Wilson as she takes over for me as Publicity coordinator.  Thanks all, I will miss you!

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