
November and December Events

-Thursday, Nov. 17th: MOPS Silent Auction Fundraiser. Please bring new or gently used items. Suggestions include but are not limited to children's clothing, baked goods, toys, home decor, furniture, gift certificates for businesses and services (cake decorating). Brunch will start at 9:15. Have your donated items ready for bidding at 9:30. Auction will run from 9:45-10:30. Non-MOPS members are welcome to attend this event. Stratego is on for brunch.
-Dec. 1: Rev. Bob Weiss will speak at our MOPS meeting. Clue is on for brunch.
-Dec. 15: MOPS Christmas Party. No regular brunch. Everyone should bring snacks to share. Please bring enough so we can make goody plates for the MOPPET workers. These plates are part of their Christmas gift from MOPS. In order to provide a variety of snacks we're asking that each d-group bring the following types of items: Stratego-healthy snacks; Clue-beverages; Life-sweet snacks; Boggle-salty snacks

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