
Steering meeting 10/28/2010

Members Present: Jennifer Olson, Jen Olson, Christy Lickei, Bridget Leiseth, Dorothy Bassingthwaite, Teresa Carlson, Emily Shepherd
1. We opened with a devotional focusing on the verse James3:2-6 regarding keeping your speech pure so as not to praise God but curse man all in one breath. Our tongues are like rudders on a boat, directing our hearts.
2. Upcoming Meetings:
November 4th - Silent Auction - Members are encouraged to bring items to donate. Nice, gently used items are okay to bring. Services are a great idea. Each item will have a corresponding form attached that may have a minimum bid suggested, depending on the value of the item to ensure that expensive items are not being sold for drastically cheap.
November 18th - Kay from classroom connections will speak about educational games/craft
December 2nd - Pastor Bob is going to speak on the message, probably a holiday related message.
December 16th - Christmas Party - everyone brings treats, craft, games?
III. Position Reports
IV. Closing Prayer
Next Steering scheduled for December 9th.


Sherry's scrapbooking links

Here are Sherry's links for her digital scrapbooking presentation from the October 21st meeting:

Blogs that search for freebies:

Scrapbook kits:

Scrapbook templates:

Free fonts:

Photoshop Tutorials:

You can also download a free trial of Photoshop Elements! It's the full program, but it is only good for 30 days:

If you start playing around with this and have any questions let me know. I'm not an expert, but I've gotten pretty good at finding answers. You can find my number and e-mail address in the MOPS directory.

Sherry Dalke


Evening Group

I just wanted to remind you all that there is a MOPS evening group held at Cornerstone Church. They are in need of more members to keep their group growing strong, so if you have any friends who are unable to attend the morning group, let them know about the evening group.
For more information on the evening group you can contact Julie Grund at 754-0438.

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child
This year we are once again presenting an opportunity to put together Operation Christmas Child boxes through the Samaritan's Purse organization. A presentation will be given at our meeting on October 21st.
The website for this program is www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/OCC/index/. On this site you will find instructions for assembling a box, things to include or leave out and the labeling materials you will need for your box. You can bring your box in to a MOPS meeting in November (4th or 18th) or drop off your box at Cornerstone Methodist Church.

On the Samaritans Purse website (www.samaritanspurse.org) you will also find other ideas for giving meaningful gifts to people in need all over the world.


October 7th Meeting

October 7th Meeting minutes

Jen Olson opened with a word of prayer. Announcements were made including selling coupons for Herbergers Community Day, the silent auction coming up November 4th and starting to think about Operation Christmas Child boxes. Door prizes were given out based on magnets on the bottom of chairs.

Brunch was served.

A video was shown covering Momology - this years theme. The video gave information about different women and their application of the arts and sciences of motherhood. A mom's core was discussed as the first key area of motherhood. The mom core is knowing who we are and growing in our role as a mother, along with other roles in our lives. Our core includes temperament, experiences and emotions to create our unique perspective of life. Resilience is a key component of your core and especially important in motherhood.

After the video, discussion groups answered questions pertaining to the material presented.

Photos were taken for the directory in discussion groups.



Reminders for MOPS members:

We will be taking directory photos on October 7th. If you are unable to attend that meeting, you can submit a photo of yourself.

Dues are now due! Local Dues: 25.oo for the fall semester or 50.00 for the year. 23.95 are the MOPS International dues. The local dues help cover expenses for the chapter such as childcare, craft supplies and hospitality supplies among other things. The International Dues enable you to be a part of the MOPS family with a subscription to Momsense magazine, an informational website and some promotional gifts. If you have a need for a scholarship, there are some available and the information is kept confidential. Contact Malissa Van Vleet for more information.

We are still in need of childcare workers, paid or volunteer, for the MOPPETS program. If you have anyone you think would be willing to help out, let Angela Syhre know.

Our Silent Auction will be held on November 4th. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for us, so start planning your donation. This year we will also be accepting your services as an auction item e.g. housecleaning, babysitting, baked goods, wrapping Christmas presents etc.

September Steering Meeting minutes

September 30th
Members Present: Jennifer Olson, Jen Olson, Emily Shepherd, Bridget Leiseth, Angela Syhre, Christy Lickei, Teresa Carlson, Dorothy Bassingthwaite, Malissa Van Vleet
I. Prayer
Reading of Psalm 139:1-16
II. Community Days
We will be selling coupons for community days at Herbergers in the mall on October 16th. The coupons are 5.00 and many of the exclusions have been removed from the coupons as compared to previous years. The coupons can be used in Herbergers on November 13th.
III. Upcoming Meetings
October 7th - theme video/discussion questions
October 21st - digital scrapbooking with Sherry Dalke
November 4th - Silent Auction
November 18th - Kay from Classroom Connection about educational games
IV. Mom's night Out
We discussed options for MNO - potentially offering childcare at the same time if someone is hosting. We also are considering getting a group together to go down to the new children's museum in Brookings.
V. Position Reports
Malissa reminded us that dues are now due.
Angela reported that we are still in need of childcare help for MOPPETS.