
Mar. 12th Steering Meeting

All members present.

*devotion on changing life seasons: seasons can change suddenly
*time of prayer
*24 moms attended Tun O' Fun; $339 spent; event went well
*positive feedback provided re: PJ Day, Tina B, Ramona A.
*e-vites have been switched to Zoji.com, your spam filter may catch these
*next steering meeting is Mar. 26th; will set up for vendor fair at this time; Teresa will bring two large boxes for us to tack signs on
*Juliane is sending out e-mail invites which can be forwarded on for the vendor fair in lieu of postcard invites
*11 confirmed vendors for fair, still waiting to hear from some, can have 18 vendors max.
*Jenny will sent out mass e-mail bake sale reminder; Juliane may include something about bake sale in her e-mail, too
*d-group leaders are to call their members and ask them to help with bake sale/vendor fair
*Jenny will do MOPS table at vendor fair
*Sherry will be in charge of children's activities for fair
*Angela will do a lunch run for the vendors
*Emily J. has volunteered to do a shift at MOPS table
*discussed provided water and a treat for vendors to thank them
*those sitting at MOPS table need to keep a count sheet of how many people attend
*Jenny will put up downtown area posters, Sherry will do churches, Juliane will do other areas
*Apr. 2 Marcy and Marilyn will discuss grief and losing loved ones
*Apr. 16 W.O.W. panel rescheduled
*Apr. 23rd steering
*Apr. 25th is summit in Sioux Falls, let Sherry know SOON if you want to go; eve. group members are going
*Apr. 30th (fifth Thurs.) will be MOPPET Worker Apprec. Brunch; discussed having children sing songs and compiling books for the workers
*All moms should bring items to brunch; d-group leaders can discuss what members should bring
*brunch time 9:30AM until finished
*May 7th field trip to library (tentative)
*Next year's MOPS theme is "Life on Planet Mom" (galactic theme)
*dicussed future fundraising ideas: selling raffle tickets and winner gets their house cleaned; selling CDs for $10 and MOPS gets $5 profit from ea. CD sold
*Male viewpoint needed for May newsletter article; Angela's brother may be a possibility
*Kristin said a training category will be a new part of our budget; $ to be allocated for convention expenses
*reviewed mid-year evaluations completed by MOPS moms; would be nice for moms to share recipes of items they bring to brunch
*thanks to Roxanne and Sarah for babysitting today

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