Members present: Sherry, Marcy, Marilyn, Angela, Juliane, Jennifer O, Jen O, Jenny C
*Roxanne watched our children in the nursery.
*took steering committee survey; Sherry will review results
*time of prayer
*input regarding recent MOPS meetings: flags in popcorn boxes with d-group names creative; better to hang up nametags than to lay them out on tables- will try new approach
*Feb. 5th meeting: Bunco, hand softener craft, wear pjs, bring a Bunco set if you have one
*d-group leaders are going to contact members to remind them of upcoming events, this is a good opportunity for d-group leaders to keep in touch with their group members
*Moms' Night Out is looking good, three eve. group members and one alumni (alumus?) are joining us so far, plus a few from our group
*Tun O' Fun is Jan. 29th from 9:30-1:00; pizza serving to be staggered
*Feb. 19th meeting: Marriage; speaker is Tina Buri from Cornerstone Women's Ministry; may also discuss "Date Night in a Minivan"
*Sherry is going to do an Applebee's gift card give away (late donation from Silent Auction).
*Mar. 5th meeting: Ramona A. gives her testimony (tentative); may do mini cake craft
*NO MOPS Mar. 19th due to spring break
*Apr. 2nd meeting: Dealing With Grief/Easter message
*Apr. 16th: WOW panel (rescheduled from Jan. 15th)
*Apr. 25th is MOPS leadership summit simulcast in Sioux Falls; consider whether or not you're going to attend
*May 7th meeting: Discussed field trip possibilities: 1. scavenger hunt 2. Women's Resource Center 3. Have Joyce Anderson (school psychologist at Garfield) speak on reading to preschoolers, go to library and listen to children's librarian talk and/or get a tour; most steering members preferred the third option
*Vendor Fair will be Mar. 28th pending church approval; discussed upping table rental to $20 per half table and $40 whole table, depending on our budget; time 10AM-3PM; want to have bake sale, coffee and walking tacos; committee to be set up to help with vendor fair; Sherry may do face painting for kids; may have coloring table for kids; Juliane will do postcards; Jenny will do posters and newspaper ad; some disagreement on whether or not to do walking tacos, committee to present options and steering will vote on this; will run newspaper ad Wed. the 25th
*Herberger's coupon books available for community day sale
*We will not do the Watertown Mall Community Day Fair: hard to get moms to sign up to sit at table, only five charitable organizations participated last year, mall doesn't advertise this event, we got no new moms from this last year, frees up another possible weekend for MOPPET worker apprecation brunch
*Sherry would like us to check out the Kids Link Card Kit on the MOPS (Leaders?) website; possibility of doing this for Moms' Night Out with evening group in a private home; Marilyn is considering hosting at her house
Respectfully submitted.
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