
Oct. 2nd MOPS Meeting Recap

Meeting opened with a social time followed by announcements. One round of Mommy Bingo was played with Angela S. as the winner. Directory rough draft was provided for moms to edit. Moms watched a video (I missed most of it due to being out with a one-year-old, so can't provide a summary, sorry!) :) D-group time followed with questions related to how God is a part of your life.

Announcements (also a summary of newsletter announcements):
*You can still purchase Herberger's Community Day coupon books for $5 from the registration table. Please return any unsold books to MOPS. Sale is Nov. 15th.
*MOPS dues due Nov. 6th. Please pay at registration table or inquire about scholarships.
*Additional MOPPET workers needed. We may have a helper for the 4-5 year old class, but we will be needing someone for 2-3 class after Christmas. Position is volunteer or paid. If you know of anyone, please see Jenny R.
*Sherry D, Kristin J, Juliane L, Pamela C, and Jenny R are currently at MOPS convention in Dallas. They wish to thank you for your support.
*Please make sure all snacks brought for MOPPETS contain no nuts. We have a child with a nut allergy.
*Silent fundraiser auction will be held during MOPS meeting on Nov. 20th. Start gathering your items today. Suggested items include: crafts, baked goods, home-based and local business donations, used items in good condition and services (i.e. cake decorating).
*If interested in joining a playgroup contact Bianca N. Playgroup meets next Thurs.
*Moms Night Out, originally scheduled for Oct. 27th, will be moved due to school conferences. Watch e-mail for updates and an invitation. The date in your newsletter is no longer correct.
*MOPS Sunday is Oct. 12th at First Baptist. All that is asked is your attendance in the 10:15 worship service. The church has a nursery available. By attending, we show the church that we appreciate their support.
*Operation Christmas child boxes will be collected by Nov. 6th. Place donated boxes on coatrack on wall by restrooms. See www.samaritanspurse.org or contact Jenny C. for more info. Tags for boxes found in newsletter or may be printed from Samaritan's Purse website.
*Oct. 16th meeting will be a technology presentation by Christy L. Nov. 6th will be photography and photobook craft. Nov. 20th is silent auction.
*extra newsletter copies available in basket to right of fellowship hall entrance at First Baptist

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