
Dec. 18th MOPS meeting

MOPS held its annual Christmas party today. We were divided into our d-groups and rotated among three stations: devotional time with mentor mom, board games and appetizer preparation in the kitchen. Moms made four different appetizers for all moms, mentors and workers. A cookie exchange was also conducted.

*No MOPS Jan. 1st due to the holiday. We will have only one regular meeting in Jan. on the 15th. We will have our W.O.W. (Wiser Older Women) panel on this day.
*MOPS Tun O' Fun Day will be Jan. 29th from 9:30-1:00. MOPS covers pizza and admission. This event is for MOPS members ONLY who have paid membership dues or are on scholarship.
*Childcare workers desperately needed in MOPPETS in the 2-3 year old class. The more references provided, the fewer times we will have to draw names to fill in the gaps. Even if you know of someone who can only help out occasionally, please speak with Jenny R. Position may be volunteer or compensated at $15 per session.
*If you didn't pick up your Dec. newsletter, spare copies will be at the Jan. 15th meeting. Please note the directory information changes in this newsletter.

Have a blessed Christmas.


Dec. 4th Speaker Summary

Teresa Carlson spoke on Christmas traditions. We'd like to thank her for her talk. Listed below are some of the things she shared.

on traditions themselves:

*most of us have Christmas traditions, whether we realize it or not (i.e. when to open gifts, when to eat dinner, where we travel in the car)
*instill traditions at a young age to make them stick
*don't give your kids everything they want for Christmas, make due when you need to

examples of traditions:

*leave gifts from Santa unwrapped
*fill Christmas sacks with goodies and peanuts
*ask family members what their favorite baked item is and bake those items
*make homemade gifts: baked goods and jars with layers (soup and cookie mixes), coupon books for hugs, chores, etc.
*bake a birthday cake for Jesus
*give charitable donations
*if you have a really big family, go in together on hiring a Santa and take pics; save pics and compare them from year to year to see how your family has changed
*attend Christmas church services
*decorate with Christmas music playing in background
*names on stockings
*blast Christmas music on December mornings to wake up kids
*serve eggnog in special glasses
*put mini Christmas trees in kids' rooms and let them decorate with own decorations; photograph decorated trees and show in later years
*read Christmas themed books about candy canes and gingerbread and make/eat these items
*keep cup of candy canes out for visitors
*videotape kids' Christmas programs and play movies when kids are older
*take a name off the angel tree at the mall and buy a gift for someone less fortunate
*carol at a nursing home
*read Christmas story from Bible or from an age-appropriate Bible story book
*go to a movie with your older kids
*set up nativity scene minus Jesus; hide Jesus and have child who finds Jesus put Him in manger
*Marilyn mentioned that Dec. 6th is St. Nick's Day; set out kids' shoes and put candy or ornaments in them
*delve into the legends of the candy cane, stars on top of trees, bells
*do an advent calendar and/or light candles on advent wreath
*hang ornaments in memory of a loved one who has passed away; as you hang the ornament, share stories about that person
*C.O.W. Project (Change Our World): in lieu of gifts for adults, do a charitable project and share what you did as you gather with your family during the time you'd normally exchange gifts; examples of projects would be: pay for the person behind you in line at a business, give Christmas gifts to military families, give someone a ride, fill a baby bathtub with baby stuff and drop it off at hospital OB ward, invite a struggling family to your home and serve them a fancy dinner

Dec. 4th MOPS meeting

*MOPS Tun O'Fun Day will be held the morning of Jan. 29th. MOPS pays for admission and pizza for MOPS MEMBERS ONLY. Tun O' Fun is not open to the public during this event. More details in the Jan. newsletter.
*Seeking mature Christian women to sit on the W.O.W. panel for the Jan. 15th meeting. Contact Sherry.
*Thanks to Juliane and all moms who provided donations and purchased items at the silent auction. $677 was raised (a record).
*If you requested a change in the directory, changes have been published in the Dec. newsletter. Leftover copies will be available at the next meeting. I don't want to publish the items on here for security reasons.
*MOPS will be having a meeting on Dec. 18th. All moms are to bring a snack to share. Contact your d-group leader to see whether you should bring something sweet, salty or a beverage. ALSO, an optional cookie exchange will be held. Bring 1/2 dozen wrapped cookies. If you want to exchange more than a 1/2 dozen, this is fine. Just keep items in sets of six. You can exchange the amount you bring. Questions, contact Jill S.
Hope I got that right. :)
*MOPS will only have one regular meeting in Jan.due to the first being New Year's Day. Our Jan. meeting will be held on the 15th.

*A potential new mentor mom was visiting today.
*Sherry had a package opening game for us to play.
*Teresa spoke on Christmas traditions. Details on this in a later post.
*D-groups discussed Christmas traditions and what to bring for the Christmas party.


Nov. 6th MOPS Meeting Summary

*There is still time to buy Herberger's Community Day Sale books. The sale is Nov. 15th.
*Operation Christmas Child boxes were due today. If you are still working on a box, you may take it to Cornerstone Church prior to Nov. 16th.
*The next meeting (Nov. 20th) is our silent auction. Non-MOPS friends/family are invited to attend. Please contact Juliane if you have an "in" with a local business. Business donations are greatly appreciated for the auction.
*From now on, extra directories, newsletters from the most recent meeting, and MOPS business cards (to hand out to potential MOPS moms) will be available at the head of the brunch line at each meeting.
*Next meeting is Nov. 20th. Bumper Car Beauties are on for brunch.

Meeting Summary:
*two new moms were introduced at brunch
*Michelle G. of M.G. Photography in Clear Lake gave an informative presentation on how to photograph using the features on your digital camera. A more detailed summary will be published in the Dec. newsletter.
*Angela showed us how to make a photobook craft.


Oct. Steering Meeting Minutes

Members present: Marcy, Jen O, Jennifer O, Angela, Marilyn, Krisitin, Juliane, Sherry, Teresa, Jenny C.

*Devotion: How to get more moms involved in MOPS leadership.
*Suggestion made to do two feedback surveys per year instead of one to give people more opportunities to volunteer to help.
*More help is needed with fundraising. A fundraising committee is in the works.
*Time of prayer

*Positive feedback on Christy L's web presentation; summary to be printed in Nov. newsletter
*MOPS Sunday should be done annually to keep members updated. A short report will be read each year.
*e-mail Marcy with questions for photographer at Nov. 6th meeting by Oct. 31st; Jenny will send out a mass e-mail about this.
*Angela brought sample photobook craft
*mentors are to help moms in regards to where to sit at a meeting; red flags mean sit w/ d-group; nametags on tables means informal seating
*in order to save time, moms will fill out their own forms at a registration table when they bring an item to the silent auction
*topic of Dec. 4th meeting TBA; possibility that Ramona A. will give a testimony
*we will most likely have stations again for the Dec. 18th Christmas Party; we will learn how to make freezer appetizers; all should bring a snack to share
*new eve. MOPS groups starts at Cornerstone in Dec. ; Pamela can put you in touch with the contact person for that group (Becca L.)
*no steering meetings in Nov. or Dec. Next meeting is tentatively set for Jan. 8th (yes, this is not the 4th Thurs.)
*Jan. 15th topic will be Wiser Older Women panel. If you know of someone who would be a good panelist, please contact Sherry.
*Kristin is going to try distributing "I Owe You" forms as reminders to moms who have not paid dues. She got the idea for this at convention and will see how it works.
*All 50 booklets are out for Herberger's Community Day Sale. Juliane will get more.
*budget: $208 in fundraising, $693 in crafts, $215 in general, $20 in petty for a total of $1137.00. We received $200 from First Baptist.
*fundraisers thus far have raised: Lone Pine $128, Pizza Ranch $232, T-shirts $75
*Mark Mar. 28th on your calendar as a tentative date for vendor fair
*Juliane needs help soliciting businesses for silent auction donations. If you have an "in" with a business, please let her know.

We wish to thank Roxanne and Sarah for helping out in childcare.

Respectfully submitted.


Oct. 16th MOPS Meeting Recap

Meeting began with a brunch courtesy of the Dunk Tank Divas. Thanks, ladies! This was followed by announcements:
*can still purchase Herberger's Community Day Coupon books for $5 from Juliane
*Operation Christmas Child boxes due Nov. 6th. Instructions found in your Oct. newsletter. Place filled boxes on shelf on wall next to restrooms.
*Mom's Night Out has been bumped back to its original date of Oct. 27th. Meet at Applebee's at 5:45 and then on to theater to see "Fireproof." Please RSVP either way to your evite. (forgot to announce this today)
*Silent auction coming up Nov. 20th. Start gathering items to donate. May bring crafts, baked goods, home-based business items, commercial business donations, used items in good condition and donated services.
*copies of 2008-09 MOPS directory distributed
*Rockin Rollercoaster Gals are on for Nov. 6th brunch.

Meeting moved to church sanctuary where we watched a slideshow of the MOPS International convention in Texas. All those who attended had a great time and strongly encouraged others to attend future conventions.

Discussion group time: What are your favorite websites? Answers will be compiled and published in the Nov. newsletter.

Christy L. gave an interesting and practical presention on things for moms to do online. She presented on blogs, photo sites, kids' sites, and mom-friendly sites.
Thanks, Christy!

Steering committee meets next Thurs. at 9:00AM. Next MOPS meeting is Nov. 6th.


Oct. 2nd MOPS Meeting Recap

Meeting opened with a social time followed by announcements. One round of Mommy Bingo was played with Angela S. as the winner. Directory rough draft was provided for moms to edit. Moms watched a video (I missed most of it due to being out with a one-year-old, so can't provide a summary, sorry!) :) D-group time followed with questions related to how God is a part of your life.

Announcements (also a summary of newsletter announcements):
*You can still purchase Herberger's Community Day coupon books for $5 from the registration table. Please return any unsold books to MOPS. Sale is Nov. 15th.
*MOPS dues due Nov. 6th. Please pay at registration table or inquire about scholarships.
*Additional MOPPET workers needed. We may have a helper for the 4-5 year old class, but we will be needing someone for 2-3 class after Christmas. Position is volunteer or paid. If you know of anyone, please see Jenny R.
*Sherry D, Kristin J, Juliane L, Pamela C, and Jenny R are currently at MOPS convention in Dallas. They wish to thank you for your support.
*Please make sure all snacks brought for MOPPETS contain no nuts. We have a child with a nut allergy.
*Silent fundraiser auction will be held during MOPS meeting on Nov. 20th. Start gathering your items today. Suggested items include: crafts, baked goods, home-based and local business donations, used items in good condition and services (i.e. cake decorating).
*If interested in joining a playgroup contact Bianca N. Playgroup meets next Thurs.
*Moms Night Out, originally scheduled for Oct. 27th, will be moved due to school conferences. Watch e-mail for updates and an invitation. The date in your newsletter is no longer correct.
*MOPS Sunday is Oct. 12th at First Baptist. All that is asked is your attendance in the 10:15 worship service. The church has a nursery available. By attending, we show the church that we appreciate their support.
*Operation Christmas child boxes will be collected by Nov. 6th. Place donated boxes on coatrack on wall by restrooms. See www.samaritanspurse.org or contact Jenny C. for more info. Tags for boxes found in newsletter or may be printed from Samaritan's Purse website.
*Oct. 16th meeting will be a technology presentation by Christy L. Nov. 6th will be photography and photobook craft. Nov. 20th is silent auction.
*extra newsletter copies available in basket to right of fellowship hall entrance at First Baptist


Sept. 25th Steering Minutes

Here are the minutes from the Sept. 25th steering committee meeting. I apologize in advance for any errors.
Meeting led by Sherry D. Present were Kristin J, Angela S, Bethany O., Jill S., Julianne L., Jennifer O., Jenny R., Jen O., Jenny C.

*opened with devotion about listening
*welcomed Bethany O. and Jill S. (MOPS members from Sisseton) who are interested in starting a MOPS group in their area and wanted to observe how steering meetings run
*reminder issued that coupon books are still on sale and still may be purchased from the welcome table or from Christy L. at the next MOPS meeting
*opportunity to purchase MOPS t-shirts for $10; Juliane L. may see if the deadline can be extended (currently Spet. 30th)
*five moms have signed up for playgroups, Bianca N. will coordinate this
*ideas expressed that perhaps we should have either a second table at registration with the publicity person taking pics and the d-group coord. recording address info. OR try having steering groups rotate stations during the first meeting and having this be one of the stations.
*more MOPPET workers needed; Jenny C. will contact volunteer center; tech school early childcare students and homeschool group suggested as possibilities to try again
*reminder that their is a child in 2-3 MOPPET class with peanut allergy, please be mindful of this when sending crackers
*time to announce the silent auction (second Nov. meeting)so people can start getting things together to donate
*MOPS Sunday at First Baptist during morning church service on Oct. 12th (10:15?). Moms encouraged to attend and represent MOPS. Nursery is available.
*Oct. 2nd MOPS meeting will be run by Marcy K. "House of Mirrors."
*Oct. 16th meeting topic TBA. Possibilities include testimony by Ramona A, Kindergarten readiness, or best ideas from moms sharing time
*Nov. 6th meeting is photography by Michelle G. Photobook craft to follow.
*d-groups assigned for brunch need to remember to help out with cleanup
*discussion that system may be needed so moms know where to sit at meetings, mentors may help explain seating, nametags may be laid on tables, when flags are up this means to sit in d-groups
*Mom's Night out tentatively set for Oct. 27th with dinner and a movie beginning at 6:00. More detailed info. TBA via e-mail.
*Kristin J. reviewed budget status. MOPS receives $535 per year from First Baptist. Dues are due Nov. 6th. Currently there is $831.52 in account.

Respectfully submitted.


Sept. 18th Meeting Recap

MOPS met this morning with a great turnout! A video of Financial Peace University was shown with discussion time following. Mommy interviews were also conducted. Poll results from the discussion time and mommy interview results will be published in the Oct. newsletter.

Other announcements:
*MOPS t-shirts on sale for $10 until Sept. 30. Contact Juliane L. (# found in MOPS Welcome Packet and Sept. newsletter).
*Fundraiser Night at Pizza Ranch next Monday beginning at 5:00PM. Workers needed. If you can't work, come to eat or order takeout.
*Herberger's Community Coupon Books on Sale. Contact Juliane L.
*next steering meeting to be held Thurs. the 25th at the church
*newsletter deadline Sept. 25th if you have any announcements
*Jenny C. may be contacting you regarding getting your photo taken for the directory if we haven't done so already. Photos are optional.
*Workers needed for 2-3 year old and 4-5 year old MOPPET rooms. Volunteer or compensation. Contact Jenny R. if you know of someone.

Have a fabulous weekend and God bless!


Sept. 4th Meeting Recap

In case you missed the first MOPS meeting, here's a recap:
*viewed video segment from MOPS International
*Sherry introduced the steering committee members via video clips
*photos for the new pictoral directory taken
*Shrinky Dink nametags put together
*welcome packets distributed
*Herberger's coupon books on sale; contact Juliane Lloyd (contact # in newsletter)
*newsletters distributed
*mentor moms (Marilyn Peterson and Teresa Carlson) introduced
*d-group (discussion group) assigments made
*please pay dues if you have not already done so: $23.95 to MOPS International plus local group dues ($20 for fall semester, $40 for whole year, or $3 per meeting-your choice) OR contact Kristin Jenc (contact # in newsletter) if interested in a scholarship
*extra newsletters to be kept in basket on table by fellowship hall entrance for those who didn't receive one
*next meeting is Sept. 18; speaker will discuss Financial Peace University program. Brunch served at every meeting.

***We are in desperate need of a MOPPET worker for the 4-5 year old class. If you know of someone who can help, please contact Jenny Rieffenberger (contact # in newsletter). Position may be volunteer or financial compensation is available. Worker can work all or some MOPS meetings. ***

If you have any other questions re: MOPS, please post a comment and I will do my best to give you an answer or put you in touch with someone else who can help.


Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Here are the steering committee meeting minutes as recorded by Teresa Carlson on Aug. 28th (thanks, Teresa).

*steering committee is to bring a brunch item and a box of crackers for the MOPPETS to the Sept. 4th meeting
*contact Sherry if you are interested in helping assemble welcome pkts
*Sherry will explain MOPS fees @ first meeting
*Jenny R will explain MOPPETS policies @ first meeting
*Julianne will discuss Pizza Ranch and Herberger's fundraisers @first meeting
*steering team members and d-group leaders will be introduced @ first meeting
*e-mail Sherry a pic of a family adventure as well as a pic of your family
*nametags to be made @ first meeting
*getting to know you time to be held @ first meeting


MOPS 2008-2008 Starting Soon!

It's almost here! MOPS 2008-2009 begins Thurs., Sept. 4th at 9:00AM. If you missed the Aug. 14th kickoff, you may register at either of our Sept. MOPS meetings. The following meeting will be held Sept. 18th.

Before coming to the first meeting, please label any bottles, sippy cups and diaper bags you will be bringing with you.

When you enter the building, stop at the registration table in the main entry. Here you will:
*fill out a nametag for yourself and any children you have in the infant/toddler room (ages 2-Kind. will have nametags provided by the childcare workers)
*drop off any registration forms you picked up at the kickoff picnic
*If you didn't attend the kickoff, you will need to pick up a registration form for yourself and any children you have participating in the MOPPETS program. You must fill out one form per child. (You don't need to stand at the registration table while you fill out your forms.)
*If you have not yet paid your registration fee, you may do so at the registration table. The ladies at the table can explain the different options for paying the fee (per meeting, semester or year) and can also provide information regarding MOPS scholarships.
*If you are unsure about whether or not you want to be in MOPS, your first meeting is free. Because the first meeting involves a lot of "introductory stuff", we ask that you attend a couple of meetings before deciding whether or not MOPS is for you.

*After you stop at the registration table, you can escort your children to their rooms. All rooms, with the exception of the 4-5 yr.room, are located down the hallway to the left of the front door. If you need assistance, any of the moms present will be more than happy to help you locate a room.
*The MOPS meeting will be held in the fellowship hall, straight ahead of the main entrance.

Looking forward to seeing you then!