
OCTOBER Meetings and Announcements

We will have two meetings in October.  On October 3rd, we have Shannon Arnold scheduled to speak with us.  Her husband passed away after he donated a kidney to his brother.  We will be sitting in our Discussion groups for this meeting.  If you are in April's group, you are scheduled to bring brunch.  If you are in Bridget's group, please bring a box of crackers or other snack for Moppets.  (Please see post below for more info.)

All groups should be thinking about what they want their group name to be, and remember to bring a couple of items to fill our center pieces!  (Something that relates to the "Beautiful Mess" theme and that represents you and your home, that will fit in the vase such as: legos, broken crayons, hair ties, an army guy, a pacifier, a comb, etc.)

Our second meeting this month will be on October 17th.  More info. about this meeting to come!  If you are in Melanie's group you will be bringing brunch for this meeting.



Just a few announcements:

Our steering team still has two positions open, Moppets and Creative Activities.  If you are able and willing to help out with either of these, please contact Erin or Marcy.

 Beginning with our first meeting in October:
*Due to limited space at the church we will be asking one D-group at a time to send a box of crackers for MOPPETS snacks.*We are going to try to keep MOPPETS peanut-free.  Do not send snacks which contain peanuts, traces of peanuts or are made in a factory with peanuts.  Some suggestions are Welch's Fruit Snacks, Ritz Crackers, Honey Maid Teddy Grahams, Honey Maid Grahams.*If your child has another food allergy or intolerance, we are asking you to send a box of crackers specifically for your child with his/her name on it which we will keep on hand for him/her.  If this is the case for your child, you do not have to send crackers for the rest of the group.*If you have any further questions about MOPPETS snacks, please feel free to contact Kristin (Hospitality) or Marcy (Co-Coordinator). 



September 2013 OPEN HOUSE Kickoff Event and meetings!

We are very excited about our Open House and MOPS Kickoff Event on Thursday, September 5th from 9:00 to 11:00am at First Baptist Church!  We will be having light refreshments and fun activities for the children, as well as introducing this year's theme.  You may stop by at any time during our Open House and register for the 2013-14 MOPS year.  We hope that you all can join us, and please feel free to invite your friends!

Our first "official" meeting of the year will be on September 19th, from 9:00-11:00am.  We'll be talking more about this year's theme, and making our name-tags and meeting calendars for the year.  You'll be assigned to your D-groups so that you have a chance to get to know some moms better, and have you'll have your picture taken for our directory.  We also have a few other fun activities planned, so we hope that you all can join us!