*Dec. 15th: MOPS Christmas Party. This will be held during usual MOPS hours. See previous blog post for what type of food to bring.
*Jan. 5th: Stranger Danger talk provided by the police dept. Brunch: Life
*Jan. 19th: MOPS Slumber Party. This will be held during usual MOPS hours. Wear pjs or sweats. MOPPETS may also wear pjs or sweats. The topic will be "My Favorite Things." Think of this as show and tell for grown-ups. Please bring one item that is special to you and be prepared to tell why it is special. You can bring something like a family heirloom or something as simple as your favorite book or lotion. Brunch: Boggle should bring slumber party snacks.
*Jan. 27th: Moms' Night out at Crismons'. 2325 Grant Drive. Starts at 6:30. Please bring a dessert or appetizer to share. Non-MOPS moms and small infants are also welcome. No electronic invites will be sent out.