
Steering Meeting Minutes

Steering Meeting - December 9th
Members Present: Jen Olson, Emily Shepherd, Christy Lickei, Malissa Van Vleet, Dorothy Bassingthwaite, Angela Syhre, Bridget Leiseth, Jennifer Olson, Teresa Carlson
Opening Prayer was conducted by all members.
I. Devotion - Luke 1:26-36 - The Birth of Jesus Foretold with discussion questions
II. Upcoming Meetings
A. December 16th - Christmas Party - We discussed seating arrangements for the party. It was decided that groups will be divided and assigned so that they groups are different from D-Groups for the day. Someone will stand by the door and inform people of where they will be seated. We will go over a reading about the meaning of Christmas. There will be a few short games led by Jen Olson. Christy passed along the different crafts we will be doing. We discussed making gifts for the workers in the MOPPETS rooms. Jennifer Olson will purchase trays, saran wrap and some supplies for assembling goody plates.
B. January 6th - cake decorating - free sit
C. January 20th - There was discussion about this open meeting slot. We debated over playing the DVD or moving up the slumber party. It was decided to show the DVD and work on a craft that is a little more time consuming to fill up that meeting.
D. February 3rd - 5 Love Languages of Children with Paula Wilde - sit in D groups
E. February 17th - slumber party - We talked about painting nails again and then also offering another activity that can be done for those who do not want to paint nails.
III. Mom's Night Out - February? - Teresa offered to host a MNO at her home. Last year the craft night was a big hit, so having a craft night/game night would probably be a success? We talked about coming up with a list for child care options if people don't have a sitter to watch their children.
IV. Position Reports
A. Finance - Malissa proposed that the Finance Chair be added as a signer to the MOPS checkbook. Sue would like to be able to share this responsibility with someone else in case she is not available to write out the checks. Checks are mostly written to child care workers and to steering members for reimbursements. All members agreed this is a good idea. Malissa will follow through with this and see what the bank would need to make this possible.
B. We all discussed different members of our MOPS chapter who are in need of extra prayers or support. The D-Group leaders will be in charge of coordinating those efforts.

The next steering meeting will be hold January 27th at 9:00. We closed with a prayer led by Teresa.
Meeting Summaries for December
December 2nd -
Brunch was served. Opening prayers were led by Jen Olson and door prizes were given away through answering trivia questions.
Pastor Bob of our chartering church was the guest speaker. His topic was spending time with God. He talked about his personal struggle dedicating time each day for his personal relationship with God - which he calls T.A.G. (time alone with God). He found a way to enjoy it himself by doing his work on the computer where he can keep his files organized and reference online Bibles.
The mission of their church is to go out and make disciples out of the people they encounter. He shared a story about the verse Colossians 2:6-7. A tree that has not had to withstand drought does not grow deep roots but rather lateral roots. Those trees are the first to tip over in the midst of a storm. Just like those trees, people with deep spiritual roots, grown by going through times of drought, are better able to withstand trials. They turn toward God in times of trouble rather than away from him.
Pastor Bob shared the analogy of depressed or struggling people who look inward are like people trying to smell their belly buttons. They are so focused inward that they cannot see the answers to their troubles are found by looking up and out. Having that special time alone with God every day fortifies your soul and enables you to withstand the difficult times.
We did an activity working with the verse Jeremiah 17:5-8. Then Pastor gave us an outline of the steps he follows while journaling his T.A.G. For a copy of the handout, see Pastor Bob or ask me (Bridget Leiseth, publicity) and I can make you a copy.


Cookie Exchange/MNO Info

The evening MOPS group is hosting a cookie exchange on Friday night at the Fireside Room at Cornerstone United Methodist Church from 7-10 p.m. Bring 1,2 or 3 dozen cookies and bring home the number you take to exchange. There will also be space and time to finish any projects you need time to work on sans children. There is no childcare for this event. Come and relax and meet the other MOPS mom's in Watertown!