
Facebook Page

Attention all of you Facebook users: I have created a Facebook page for our chapter. You can search for it and add it to your profile or you can go to my profile and link to it from there (I will be happy to "friend" you in order to do this). I will update that page with reminders about what has been posted on the blog along with anything else you guys would like to see on there. We thought it was a great (and free) way to reach more people as it seems that so many of us are connected through digital media anymore anyhow. If any of you have any suggestions, just let me know. I'm not an expert so I might have done something incorrectly.


Ice Cream Social

Join us for the M.O.P.S Ice Cream social and registration on Tuesday, August 10th at 6:30 p.m. We will be at the McKinley park shelter. Bring your families!

July 2010 Steering Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Jennifer O, Jennifer O, Christy L, Malissa V, Donna B, Bridget L, Emily S

*Getting Down to the Basics: Our Authentic Life
Philippians 4:8-9

Time of Prayer

*Budget discussion - Education was given by Malissa on how to prepare the budget for each position. Reimbursement forms were handed out along with tentative 2009-2010 budget recap. Budgets are due at the August Steering Meeting scheduled for August 26th at 9:00.
*Welcome Packets - It was decided after a discussion that we will hand out the MOPS handbook on the first meeting date. We will not be handing folders out to everyone. Any additional paperwork that a mom joining after the first date would need will be put with the MOPS handbook (e.g. the Moppets form and the Mommy interview)
*Kick Off - The Ice Cream Social will be held on Tuesday August 10th at 6:30 p.m. at the McKinley park shelter. Postcards are being prepared and will be sent out soon. A discussion was held about the ad that has been posted in the Public Opinion in previous years for the ice cream social/upcoming MOPS year. The team decided that the 53.00 the ad costs does not seem to produce a fruitful number of new recruits. Instead of the newspaper ad, we will start a facebook page for MOPS as that seems to be a good way to connect more people. More information will be available on that at a later date.
*Speaker Ideas - The group discussed different ideas for speakers for the upcoming year. We are still in need of at least two Mentor moms, if not three. Please pray about this.

All of the different steering positions were given a chance to address any questions.