

This Thursday is our Christmas Party. Remember your treats to share and we are asking that since was are sharing them with the Moppets workers that they do not require refrigeration and are easy to plate.
Thanks and see you Thursday!


MNO... with Evening Group

The Evening MOPS Watertown Group has invited us to a cookie exchange on Friday night at 7pm.
It will be held at Cornerstone Church in the Fireside Room. Bring your cookies to exchange.


MOPS updates

  • Congratulations to Melanie, Kristen, Sarah and Marcy on their new arrivals.

  • December 17th is our Christmas party, remember your Christmas treats to share.

  • Needs some Christmas ideas, check out these blogs:
  1. Home-Ec 101- many many recipes and household ideas
  2. Tip Junkie- gift ideas to buy and make
  3. MomAdvice- gift ideas, recipes and freebies
  4. One Pretty Thing- make it gift giving ideas
  5. sewmamasew- daily themed make it, sew it, buy it topics
  6. The Crafty Crow- Children's Crafts
There are many many more out there and if you find some great ones please post them in the comments.

  • In January we will be visited by Lisa from the Watertown Resource Center(WRC) and then take a tour of the WRC. They are in need of some everyday living items. If you would like to donate any item from the list please bring them to out January 21 meeting when we will be touring the center.
Items Needed:
toilet paper, laundry soap, dishwasher soap, dryer sheets, new/used alarm clocks, pillows, ziploc bags (gallon size), diapers(size 4&5), phone cards, large garbage bags, batteries(9V,C,D), new/used vacuum cleaners, silverware, skillets & kettles, postage stamps, used furniture, used cell phones, socks(all sizes), underwear(all sizes) and canned food items

  • We are in need of Moppets workers. If you know of any one please pass that info on to Sherry. This is either volunteer or paid.

  • Erin is willing to put together a recipe book of our brunch recipes. Please either bring your recipes to a meeting or e-mail it to here.