
Last meeting of the year... Thrusday, May 21, 2009

Our last meet we introdused the new theme for next year, took a survey of the spring half of the year and introduced our two graduates. Our craft was a beaded bracelet that went along with the poem (under the picture).

Does Mothering really matter? Does anyone really care?
The PURPLE bead means I'm significant A Godly mother is rare. It's easy to lose my idenity. Sometimes I'm not sure who I am.
The PEARL reminds me that I'm unique In the eyes of the Son of Man.
GREEN speaks that I'm growing Developing patience every day As circumstances confront me And I see the need to pray. When sometimes those around me Don't seem to understand
The RED reminds me "I need the Lord" To stay close and hold my hand.
The color ORANGE represents "caution" When I'm not sure where to go I need to move ahead slowly The Lord will lead me I know.
The YELLOW is a warning For me to stop or slow down To accept some help from time to time Friends offering assistance abound. There are also time when I need a break
The PINK stands for having fun So get away and try to relax And play 'til the day is done. As the days and weeks turn into months It's easy to lose perspective
The CLEAR bead reminds me to think clearly And ask the Lord how to live.
The color BLUE stands for the vastness of life There's a race I need to run I will leave each day for Jesus 'Til I hear the words, "Well Done!" -Author unknown

>We will be meeting at McKinley Park the 1st and 3rd Thursday of June from 11ish-1. Please join us and bring your own lunch.


two events and a summary


*Event 1: Antiquities Fundraiser (photography) for eve. Cornerstone MOPS group. Weekend of June 4-6th. $10 per ticket. Free sitting and 2-10x13 pics. Option to buy more pics, but not required.

*Event 2: Share your little ones with the residents of Benet Place Sr. Apts. Monday, May 18th at 3:00PM. The residents would like to see your children as a late Mother's Day celebration. To get to Benet Place, go south of town on Hwy 81. Turn left at the top of the first hill. Go all the way down to the end of the road. Go right at the fork in the road. Go all the way around to the back of the property. (The white building is Mother of God Monastery- wrong place.)

*Books recommended by moms at the MOPS field trip to the library:

Just In Case You Ever wonder by Max Lucado
Love You Forever by Robert Munsch
Pigeon books by Willems
anything by Sandry Boyton

Karen Kingsbury
Lorraine Snelling
Francine Rivers
Lori Wick
Ted Dekker
Dee Henderson
Jan Karons (Mitford series)