
Nov. 6th MOPS Meeting Summary

*There is still time to buy Herberger's Community Day Sale books. The sale is Nov. 15th.
*Operation Christmas Child boxes were due today. If you are still working on a box, you may take it to Cornerstone Church prior to Nov. 16th.
*The next meeting (Nov. 20th) is our silent auction. Non-MOPS friends/family are invited to attend. Please contact Juliane if you have an "in" with a local business. Business donations are greatly appreciated for the auction.
*From now on, extra directories, newsletters from the most recent meeting, and MOPS business cards (to hand out to potential MOPS moms) will be available at the head of the brunch line at each meeting.
*Next meeting is Nov. 20th. Bumper Car Beauties are on for brunch.

Meeting Summary:
*two new moms were introduced at brunch
*Michelle G. of M.G. Photography in Clear Lake gave an informative presentation on how to photograph using the features on your digital camera. A more detailed summary will be published in the Dec. newsletter.
*Angela showed us how to make a photobook craft.